Uncle Versace

Unrequited Love

Random Thoughts from a Restless Mind

Category: Love

Created At: December 17, 2024 - 2:06 am
Updated At: December 17, 2024 - 2:06 am

Unrequited love sucks. Like, it always sucks. But there's something to me that's especially hard about it when it's from a friend. If you get rejected when you ask for someone's number at a party or you go on a date and they don't call you back, those both suck, but it seems easier to brush off. They just weren't a good match or the vibe wasn't there or whatever. Not everyone is meant to connect with everyone. But if it's a friend, someone who genuinely loves you, just not the same way you love them? Someone who spends a lot of time with you? Laughs with you? Gets along with you? Then it's harder to brush off. Or at least easier to get insecure about. Am I ugly? Am I not manly enough? What is it about me that makes me someone you enjoy having in your life but who you can't see as a potential romantic partner?

Of course, this thinking probably isn't helpful. It's just likely the same as what it would be in the other scenarios - you're just not a good match, romantically, or the vibe wasn't there, romantically, or whatever. Like it's perfectly reasonable to enjoy everything about someone but simply not see them romantically. It's not necessarily something that needs to be known or spoken or addressed. But sometimes I am curious. If I could have an earnest conversation with a friend who I started to develop feelings for that didn't reciprocate, could I learn something helpful that I could try to work on or improve? Or would it just be a shitty, hurtful conversation?

I don't have the answers, but these were some random thoughts I had about love tonight. Thanks, anxiety. 😅😅😅